Thursday, February 21, 2008

Politicians - Will They ever think of Farmers?

A majority of Indian population does live around the hand-to-mouth survival line; handful of our political representatives live much healthier and comfortable lives, all thanks to the people's money.

In this era where everything has cause celebre none of our politicians ever raise the issue of death by hunger in the Indian parliament. It's ghastly to see how much leftovers are in any given party in the cities while at the same time one of our fellow countryman/woman/child goes to sleep without a proper meal.

While the rich are getting more richer and the poor have got nothing to think of. The lack of a clear pan-Indian agriculture policy is lacking ever since we got our Independence. And there is particularly no such lobby as the "Farmer's Lobby" though we have had farmers becoming Prime Ministers!! Ironical but true.

Considering the fact that India is majorly an agrarian economy nothing but false promises are doled out to them, every five year. The representation of India should be looked into with more seriousness and it's time it changed. A clear cut system of educated only being able to contest elections should be made mandatory. It's not that the uneducated are ruling the country today but the fact remains that a background of understanding the issues presented on paper needs to be looked into, grasped, pros and cons debated and then a resolution should be passed.

If one takes a closer look at the salaries of our MLAs, MPs & Ministers and not to forget the perks it would indeed be no surprise that many of them have actually never touched their salary cheques! 'Coz these are the high-flying, Cartier donning Politicians who prefer to fly out of the country on people's monies and never bother to tell why! Who hardly make a visit to their constituency because there they do not get to have the luxuries like air-cons, 5-star hotels and airports! But no one is even thinking to take these luxuries to their own constituency 'coz they hardly have any concrete plans for their voters. Employment is a dream which engulfs a few lives every time, one can see them closely at a majority of the army or police headquarters in all the states whenever there is a call for filling up thousands of vacancies. Recent example of Jaipur inadvertently crops up. For getting a decent job one has to struggle so hard that it becomes a mele and a few people lose their lives before they even get any closer to getting their jobs.

Why never has an opportunity in the agriculture sector come across in our nation where people from cities have quit and gone back to villages because there was so much was in farming. We have had successful brands like Amul & many state-run milk dairies (which have again dwindled all of their respect due to mismanagement by babus) and many wonderful agriculture colleges and institutions which have never brought any change/dynamism to the national agriculture policy. India has a wonderful landscape and every possible climatic condition any country would ask for but still what is our produce? We still bring millions of tonnes of wheat from abroad!!!

The politicians should have a mandatory schedule of minimum of 200 days of work yearly and only then they should be paid. Attendance should also be confirmed and their journeys to their constituency made compulsory. They should also be given periodical "lectures" and they should be available on public platforms more often for their plans and agendas for growth and development.

The major issues that entail in the growth of agriculture are:

1) Water shortage

2) Power Supply

3) Subsidy & Finance

4) Food Parks & Market Policy

5) Insurance against disasters

6) IPR & Patents

7) A variable market rate for the growth

It is so simple so yet complex that never has the parliament discussed and brought forward a policy for the public to participate and change how the Indian Agriculture sector can become the most powerful and healthy sector in the economy. It can address so many issues at one time and make rural India a real utopia!

Healthcare, sanitation, nutrition, education and above all dignity of labour is what will change the shape of our rural areas. In my small research over the media and in physicality, I have come to know that the Reliance Industries' multi-pronged approach towards the rural sector especially the farming sector has become a unique model which can be replicated by other such farm-fresh chains that would create loads of opportunities to the farmers directly. The numbers of brokers have been cut down and thats a great sign of our times. The direct from farmer to the consumer formula has brought Reliance Fresh quite a good start and in the times to come they are planning to make trading in farm goods more attractive.

I wonder why none of the so called top-of-the-line hospitals open in rural India where there is such a huge scarcity of healthcare. I understand at that end of the day its business, but where did the noble-factor of such professions disappear? Why do we only have to remove kidneys from poor people and sell it to rich? Why can't a Dr.Amit Kumar make an example of setting up a state of the art hospital in a small village in Kashmir, Maharashtra, Bihar or Tamilnadu?

Having personally followed a few stories of rags-to-riches politicians I understand their predicament too. They only help who come begging for help. They are so tied up in their own doings that either they are forever away from their constituency or they are always in their palatial houses (which they have recently built-after getting the MLA seat).

They who never had a four-wheeler now boast of the savvy SUVs and sedans which are unique in the town as there are no roads for a smooth drive. Alas! Suddenly they feel that power situation in the town is worsening with every summer as their ac's cannot work much on generators!!

I have already petitioned before that there should be electoral reforms and one constituency voters can re-call their elected representative if they feel that he/she has not been taking care of their welfare. It would be a true democracy and it shall make our political actors more responsible towards their duties.

Till then I suggest that voting should be made mandatory for all those people carrying Voter Id cards from now on. And those who skip it for anything should be asked to give in writing that they were indisposed else their names should be struck off from the electoral rolls and they shall not be given any benefit under any Govt. run welfare schemes including Income Tax.

Maybe some day some one would wake up and take a giant leap in bridging the gap which has been widening every minute as we key in here.

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