Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Mumbai Bal & Raj Thackerays Mudslinging Match

How to spot a Bihari Brawn - Learn Bal Thackeray style

Aftermath of the last month parochialism in Mumbai's atmosphere doesn't seem to disappear as the morning smog, instead it stays and engulfs more and more men into it's devious suction mechanics.

In a major U-turn from the ambiguous support which was extended to the people from Up North of the Nation, the erstwhile Bal 'Tiger' Thackeray has now blamed the Biharis of being "unwanted" across the Nation.

That is Thackeray Sr.'s webspace and a vernacular print tabloid published from Mumbai (just a few thousand copies) but he has a knack of making absurdities as headlines since 1960's.

Here in his editorial dated 6th March 2008, Thackeray states that Bihari is a bimari. He adds that all the elected representatives from Bihar are nothing but goons and criminals.

Ignoring the two - Uncle and Nephew would have been the best way to avoid whatever happened but as it was destined to occur things now have a risk to turn into something ugly in the coming days.

The Members of Parliament have lodged a formal complaint in a Privilege Motion with the Speaker of the Lok Sabha stating that Bal Thackeray should be prosecuted for slurring on the MP's !

If proven Bal Thackeray would have to hear it all inside the Lok Sabha!

Meanwhile in Mumbai & New Delhi as usual CM of Maharashtra V R Deshmukh says that he is seeking legal opinion.

While the legal eagles state that its a clear cut divisive statement and even if its an editorial (as in Press Media) he can be booked under the Law of the Land.

But once again it remains to be seen who bells the cat?

May the mouse in tiger's clothing roar before the final call.

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